Tuesday, January 12, 2010


Friends. I am so thankful for them. They help me think better, to live better, to be better.
It's time to post something on my blog again, but as school is just getting back in and vacation has been restful at home, there has been little in the way of blog material.
I just was organizing my photo albums and came across all the grade school and high school photos and was reminded again of the importance of friendship. Things haven't changed for me either. It's surprising how busy I can get myself and forget to take time out, but I'm so thankful that I have once we have gotten together. Lately it's been movie nights with the girls, which is so fun. Making cake and popcorn just because, and being together, is so special. It's nice, too, to have a "couple" friend, like when we were in Jarabacoa, we got to spend some good time with Leona and Anyelo...who we share a lot in common with. It's nice to have friends, to share with, to grow with.

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