Saturday, January 23, 2010

Happy Birthday Ariel

In all the busy-ness of getting things together, we managed to return to a bit of normal for a bit to celebrate Ariel's bday. He went to bed after me the night before, and I knew he'd be up before me, so I had to get up at 4am to leave a surprise of the apt all decorated for him to wake up to. It was worth it, his face was perfect when he saw it! We had friends over in the evening and Ariel cooked up a LOT of meat for them all (even if it was 10 pm before it was ready!) We then had some Bday cake and fell into bed to sleep. Many are doing the same as we are in their help for Haiti, but in different areas. Some friends are headed to help some friends that are starting an orphanage get set up for their first few days. It is worth it, all the running around and lack of sleep, it is worth it!! Happy Birthday Ariel!!

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