Saturday, July 07, 2007

Just a day

What a week, I can't believe it's already over. The team worked really hard and got the two classrooms well under-way and ready to lay block. Gira (top left) is still as cute as ever and is really warming up and loving on everyone which is great to see.

Today was an amazing day, despite everything. I was given the day mostly off by my fantastic Kids Alivers and I went to a new beach with friends and then came home to flowers and more flowers from friends that are so pretty (my friends and the flowers!). I'm reminded how special my days are here, how loved and protected I am, how supported I am...and I'm thankful to have gone through another "day".

And as one team was sent on the plane, another one arrived 2 hours later. We've got a full week ahead again as the school continues to be blessed by the work and friendship that they bring!

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