Saturday, June 21, 2008


So does anyone know if itunes is deleted if it's possible to ever get back all the songs that were in the library?? I fear the answer is no.


Heidi said...

Hey Jessi,
I think I heard you can. Elisabeth Howeth (tucker) just had this problem. If you can get to her blog from Faith's check out her comments. Otherwise i don't know any specific ways to do it. Don't give up though!

Megan said...

Yikes, I hope you can! I'm not the computer expert in the family so I have nothing helpful to say. I will echo Heidi and say don't give up!

Allison Stuart said...

yeah jessi, i one time deleted my itunes, but somehow i still have all my music...

where's jonny when you need him? oh yeah, he's in the middle east...