Just a little update to say all continues well. I'm so happy to have 4 days now without nausea and am hoping that more of those days are to come!
We've had a lot of questions about our plans, so a little briefing of our mini-plan is that we are hoping to deliver the baby in Oregon, alongside my family. Ariel's visa is in-process and we are hopeful that it will be through in time. We decided a U.S. delivery will be safest and most sure and, well, I was a Labor & Delivery nurse for 3 years and have seen too many births to stay here for it!
I'll be heading to Oregon on the 18th of May for 3 weeks and looking forward to having an appointment with the midwife. I've been seeing a doctor here who is excellent and have all the documents to take with me to the Oregon appt.
I'm excited for the days when I get to feel the baby moving! I have had to say good-bye to some of my clothes as they're a bit too tight now in the waist, but still don't really have a belly to show...but I know it's on its way!
This is such a fun time, most of it anyhow! There have definitely been the emotional times when I have those cries that leave you hiccuping for hours afterwards, but thankfully those are occasional and seem to be passing as well as I move into the second trimester. It's funny because when I don't have nausea or other things going on, I don't feel so pregnant. But then again, I'm so happy to feel good and with more energy!
I've got another appt in a week and will hopefully have another beautiful baby pic to share!
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Pregnancy updates
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5:09 AM
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Thrilled to announce...Baby Veras!!!!
Ariel and I have been waiting for the days to pass to be able to announce that we are officially pregnant!!! Wow, it's still hard to believe, I feel like I'm just playing still, but it's so very true, there's just a little lime-sized baby growing in there!
We are so thankful that my body is healthy enough and that things are going well. I'm 12 weeks now and looking forward to the morning sickness (ironically which happens about 10pm for me), the tiredness (I've become a slug), and the pubescent acne to go away! I'm due Oct 31 (by ultrasound) or Nov 6 (by dates) and I know the time will pass quickly! My dear little friend Julie had sent me some pregnancy tests that are so awesome. They make it real clear-"Pregnant" or "Not pregnant", which at 5am makes a lot more sense than lines and dots and plusses! I then had to explain the "stick" to Ariel because they're not commonly used here. We did the blood test the next week, which thankfully also came back positive!!
Ariel has been amazingly good and patient with me. It has been an emotional rollercoaster with hormones up and down and taking me with them!! Sometimes he gets a little extra at work and will always come home with "American" treats like applesauce, turkey bacon, things that he knows will go down easily. Rice and beans and meat (the Dominican meal) hasn't been first on my list of things to eat, but I've been doing well with apples and tea and bread!
We went a few weeks ago for a regular ultrasound (they do more than in the US here) and got to hear the heartbeat and see the baby moving. I don't have words to tell how it made my heart want to explode with joy to actually see this little tiny thing with all his/her parts perfectly formed and actually moving like crazy in there! And the heartbeat...what a perfect sound that brings peace! We recorded it and I've watched it at least a million times a day since then!
So please be praying with us as we continue to trust fully in God for the growth and development of this baby, for a healthy pregnancy and delivery, for all the little details that are in His hands. We know that this baby is pefectly made, just how He wants it to be and even when my worry button gets pressed, I'm learning each day that this pregnancy, this baby, is in His control and that brings calm and peace.
Oh, what a blessing and joy and excitement to share with you all!
Posted by
4:09 PM
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Still amazed
After 3.5 years living in the Dominican Republic, I feel like I'm pretty used to most things now. It doesn't turn my head to see 4-5 people on one motorcycle taxi, to see the pig hanging up after slaughter (although I don't like that!), or to see the horse-drawn cart pulling in vegetables from the countryside. But today, oh today, there were a few head-turners!
As you know, voo-doo is the official "religion" of the Haitian people. From all accounts, a woman went to a witch-doctor on Monday because she was sick, and he placed some mysterious white powder on her (or she ingested it, not sure). Anyhow, Monday later on, she is dead. Tuesday comes around and she is buried, I saw her coffin and the procession pass by in front of the apartment. Within a few hours after her burial, rumors start about her still being alive, that she has communicated with the outside world somehow and they need to dig her out. So, of course, hundreds of people head to the cemetery to...undig the dead. They pulled out her coffin and sent her to the hospital and by all reports today, the dead is alive again! Amazing. Can you imagine? This just doesn't happen in real life.
Last night and this morning it rained quite a bit which makes our ride to work muddy and bumpy. There are huge puddles and many places along the dirt road where it is covered fully by the water. This morning heading in, we saw two men on a horse...carrying a baby calf!!! Mama cow followed behind, probably fully confused about why her baby was mounted on a horse! Oh how I wish I had my camera, it was priceless!
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11:11 AM
Tuesday, April 06, 2010
Celebrating Easter
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8:06 AM
Amazing Frayme
If it's actually possible, Frayme is getting cuter and cuter by the day! She smiles like crazy, it's one of the cutest things! Milka and Francis are doing really well and loving their little baby girl.
Posted by
7:55 AM
Growing Yuriel
The babies are growing up quickly around here and Ruben and Yubi's baby, Yuriel, is no exception! He's already 3 months old and doing so well. He's got some great chubby cheeks and a very proud mom and dad!!
Posted by
7:39 AM